Canadian Federal Budget 2021: Some big wins for physics

Adam Fortais
2 min readApr 20, 2021


The Canadian Federal Budget was released today so I am jumping in head-first. Updates will come sporadically so follow along here, on Twitter, The Newsletter, or our newly launched Medium page to make sure you don’t miss a post. Ready? Set? Let’s go!

Launching a National Quantum Strategy costing $360 M over seven years, specifying “quantum-ready” tech and talent acquisition. We are also getting a secretariat (insert horse joke here) installed at the Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development.

This is coming off the heels of the launch of the Quantum Industries Canada consortium, announced in late 2020. This is a group of 24 Canadian companies specializing in quantum computing, quantum communications and cryptography, quantum sensing and quantum-safe cryptography as well as companies developing applications of these technologies.

I will be checking up on QIC about what this input of cash means for them.

Canadian Photonics Fabrication Centre gets a $90 M sprucing up over five years. This is a big make-over and upgrade project for an already world-class prototyping facility. At least as of 2013:

I will be checking in with their current services and the details of their upgrades

Space-Based Earth Observations: $80.2 M for the ground-based infrastructure over 11 years and $9.9 M to the Canadian Space Agency over two years to plan for next generation satellites.

A little vague, but I think it’s kind of funny that most of the money for “space-based” Earth observations will go to the ground-based half of the set-up. Ha ha ha :P

Recognizing Atomic Workers: $22.3 M over two years to establish a recognition program. The budget itself does a good job of explaining this one, though I plan to dig into the Chalk River stories a bit more soon.

In the mid-twentieth century, Chalk River Laboratories was one of the leading global sites for cutting edge atomic science. But, in 1952 and 1958, there were accidents that required Department of National Defence and Atomic Energy of Canada Limited personnel to contain and clean contaminated sites. In 2008, the government recognized former Department of National Defence personnel who participated in the clean-ups through the establishment of the Atomic Veterans Recognition Program. To provide similar recognition to those Atomic Energy of Canada Limited employees who worked to clean-up these dangerous incidents and protect Canadians:

Next up will be updates on Biomanufacturing. This is a big one with a lot of little pieces so it may take a bit of time to get posted. Again, you can follow along here, on Twitter, The Newsletter, or our newly launched Medium page.



Adam Fortais

I'm thiiis close to having a PhD in physics and hope to use it to write stories. Find me in Canada and at